Airports Projects

APIS++ Automatic Docking Systems
2003 to present

Krier Technologies was awarded the contract in 2003/2004 to supply, install and commission test, initially a quantity of thirteen APIS++ AVDGS (FMT Aircraft Docking Guidance Systems) units. These units were installed in 2004 and an additional eight units installed in 2005 at OR Tambo International Airport. These systems were integrated into the ACSA Operations Network AODB and ApisAdapter interface. A further fourteen units were supplied and installed at Cape Town International Airport and commissioned in 2005. 

During the T10 upgrade at Cape Town International Airport CTB Upgrade, nine of the units were taken down temporarily and reinstalled after all the new building works were completed. All nine of the units taken down were reinstalled during early 2010, and one additional new unit with LED displays was installed due to an additional bay being made with the upgrade of the Airport apron. 

In 2008 Krier was awarded a contract by ACSA to supply, install and integrate fourteen APIS++ AVDGS docking systems at the North Pier extension to the OR Tambo International Airport terminals. Krier has continued with the ongoing maintenance of the OR Tambo International Airport thirty-five docking guidance systems and the fifteen CTIA docking systems. Krier currently offers OEM assistance and support on the fifteen units at Cape Town International Airport. Krier have continued to support Airports Company South Africa with real-time access to the units on a 18-hour a day basis

APIS Docking 3

CTX Installation and Maintenance
2005 to present

In 2005, Krier supplied, installed and integrated the first two CTX X-Ray CTX5500 machines at OR Tambo International Airport for Airports Company South Africa. These CTX5500 (Computed Tomography Raman Spectroscopy X-Ray Diffraction technology) are used for the detection of explosives, narcotics and chemicals in baggage. Since this time, Krier has been involved in the supply, installation and integration of an additional two CTX9400 units at OR Tambo International Airport in 2008 and 2009 and a further two more CTX machines at King Shaka International Airport (CTX9400) and Cape Town International Airport (CTX5800) for Aviation Co-Ordination Services. 

Our extensive knowledge of these machines and our close working relationship with our supplier SMITHS DETECTION (previously MORPHO DETECTION and General Electric before that) ensure that these CTX machines are maintained to the highest standard and are serviced to ensure a minimal down-time and perform to specification for their expected lifespans. The oldest of these CTX machines are now older than eighteen years and are still operational. These CTX machines recommended replacement is ten years as spare parts become difficult after a ten-year period.

Baggage Handling System
Upgrades 2007 to 2010

During the upgrades to OR Tambo International Airport from 2007 to 2010 at Terminal CTB, Krier were involved with the Project Management and worked closely with the OEM’s “FKI Logistics” and “Kosan Crisplant”. The project was for the supply of the double-decker Tilt Tray Sortation 3000E Systems running at 1.8 m/s and the installation, commissioning, testing and handover of these sortation systems of this equipment and the upgrade, modification and integration of the various TA, TB and CTB baggage handling systems for Airports Company South Africa. This project included a centralised upper-level control system bringing in the two TA and TB legacy systems, centralised control and the control of the new CTB Sortation and Conveyor systems infrastructure via central SCADA control systems.

This centrally controlled all the TA,TB, and CTB Tilt tray baggage sorters, baggage conveyor systems, baggage carousels, check-in island and associated collector and transport Conveyors systems. With the complex design and logistics of the baggage handling systems, Krier Technologies were at hand to advise on obstacles that arose and to find a solution to ensure an optimal working system in conjunction with the OEM’s.

Baggage Upgrade 5

Oversight Contract
August 2008 to May 2022

Krier Technologies has worked closely with Aviation Co-Ordination Services since 2004 in an Oversight Management role of their Hold Baggage Screening systems at OR Tambo International, King Shaka International and Cape Town International Airports. Due to our extensive knowledge of the airport infrastructure, we added value to our customer by overseeing the HBS CTX and X-Ray machines, Baggage Conveyor and Baggage Screening and Tracking Systems in all the airports.

 With the aid of our monitoring systems and detailed reporting structures, we were able to track any issues in real time and report these accordingly. Aviation Co-Ordination Services requirements changed during 2022 and the oversight contract was stopped, so that a re-evaluated scope could be created.

Itemiser ETD Maintenance
2006 to Present

Krier imports and supplies ETD instruments and have been supporting Aviation Co-Ordination Services, ACSA, Hisco International and others in the maintenance of their Itemiser ETD (explosive trace detection) units since 2006, which are deployed at the major airports around Southern Africa. Krier, in conjunctions with General Electric, Morpho Detection, Smiths Detection and Rapiscan Systems, have also been instrumental in the training of staff and managers to become train the trainers for the use of the Itemisers in the capacity of Operator, Maintainer and Supervisor levels. We have also been involved in the upgrade and or replacement of the Itemiser units to the latest models of the Itemiser 4DX.

ABCR’s (Automatic Bar Code Readers)
2012 to 2022

Krier, under the existing Oversight Contract with Aviation CoOrdination Services, monitored and serviced the ALIS RDT400 SICK
ABCR’s (Automatic Bar Code Readers) for the scanning of Baggage
IATA Bar codes at OR Tambo International Airport. In 2012, Krier were tasked with analysing the end of life existing systems and finding a workable and effective solution for upgrading these systems. Krier were involved in the upgrade of the existing end of life ABCR units at OR Tambo International Airport over a period from 2016.

 Cape Town International Airport units were upgraded in 2021 and most recently King Shaka International Airport at the end of 2022.
The existing units were upgraded in stages, to ensure that there was no disruption to the baggage handling system. Working closely with our partner, SICK Automation and the various parties associated with this project, we ensured that the new ALIS SICK ABCR’s were integrated into the existing system with minimal disruption

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